Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dear Family,

Tuesday night we took Theoni and Rob Snow to dinner at our favorite restaurant, DeGani.  They have had us over to dinner many times so we were able to treat them this time.  As you all know we do very little cooking in our little flat.  Rob is HP group leader.  He has been a bishop, a stake president, served in mission presidencies and he and Theoni have served 3 missions.  Great wonderful kind people.  They have been in Italy for two months.  Their daughter underwent a stem cell procedure.She has been in Italy about 3-4 months. Part of the treatment is chemotherapy.  They feel it has been very successful.  Her Multiple Sclerosis will not progress.  They are very happy.

The weather has been extremely cold this past week.  Rain, wind and very low temperatures have made for very cold weather.  We have heaters right by our desks because the church building and office are always cold.  There is lots of humidity which makes it cold.  It was 36 degrees this morning, (Sunday). The building heater doesn't work well so we never took our coats off for the 3 hours.

Wednesday we went to the temple.  We have made many friends among the ordinance workers.  We get kisses and hugs from the sisters.

Thursday was an unusual day because The Hullingers, Sister Stevens, Adrienne and I went to clean another flat.  It was a very old flat.  Elders had lived their for 9 years.  It was horrible and needed serious work and cleaning.  Two sisters live there now so we went over for the day to help the sisters and see how it could be fixed.  Adrienne and the service elders worked on the yard, because she loves yard work.  This is the second time we have helped cleaning flats.  We will now be doing that service about every two weeks.  There are so many flats that are old and so many missionaries who have never learned how to clean.  We try to teach them cleaning techniques so that it will be easier for them to keep the flat neat and clean.  We enjoy a day doing that because it gets us out of the office and feels so good doing physical labor.

We just got home from an adult devotional.  Elder Quinton Cook was in Sydney and the devotional was televised to all of Australia.  Of course, it is always wonderful to hear an apostle of the Lord speak.

We don't have opportunities to introduce the gospel to people.  We make sure our badges are seen and always answer questions about who we are and why we are in Australia. We do hope we will be able to give away a Book of Mormon and introduce someone to the gospel.  I think we will start taking pass along cards with us.  We could easily pass those out to people.  We are in the office everyday and our calling is to serve President and Sister Maxwell and all the wonderful, beautiful, fun missionaries. It is a joy for us. 

Our parting thought.
    Elder Klebingat a Seventy;.

    "Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, but don't be immobilized by them, because some of them will be your companions until you depart this earth life.  No matter what your current status, the very moment you voluntarily choose honest, joyful, daily repentance by striving to simply do and be your very best, the Savior's Atonement envelops and follows you, as it were, wherever you go.  Living in this manner, you can truly always retain a remission of your sins every hour of every day, every second of every minute, and thus be fully clean and acceptable before God all the time. "
Know how much we love you and pray for you.

The mom, The grandmas, The sister sisters

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