Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dear Family,

Monday, we had FHE with the office staff at Elder and Sister Rust's flat.  We had a barbeque dinner.  It was so nice and fun.  We really enjoy these 3 couples.  
They are all from Utah.

Tuesday we had a nice long walk. We are trying to walk often because sitting in an office all day is hard on both our bodies.  We crave walking and breathing fresh air.

Thursday was nail day.

Friday was a good day.  Some missionaries come to the mission from very poor circumstances.  Elder Puing(19 year old) came from a small island in the Phillipines.  He
had a good job where he made 200 pesos a day.  That is between $4-5.00 a day.  That is considered very good wages.  He is very small and looks like he is 12 years old.
He is a very happy young elder.  He needed a suit, a couple of shirts, shoes and ties.  The mission has an account just for charity purposes.  His 2 companions, who are
super missionaries, went with Adrienne and me to buy him clothes.  We had to go to the children's department.  The pants will need to be hemmed.  He is serving in a Samoan branch and his companions told him he would put on weight because of all the food the Samoan people eat. They also cook many meals for the missionaries.  After buying the clothes we ate lunch.  Elder Puing wanted rice so it was an Asian lunch.

Saturday we went to the ward camp out for lunch.  It is was in the Yarra Ranges (mountains). The name of the place was Yarra Doon.  The ride was beautiful.  All the scenery 
outside the city is spectacular.  It was more agricultural with many fruit tree farms, berry farms, gardens and nurseries.  We love touring the countryside.  The camp was by a river and when we arrived the men and boys were having water fights in the river.  Lunch was a "snag", a sausage(long cooking) on white wonder bread.  They serve it with sauce, similar to ketchup.  In the states it would be a hot dog on a bun.  They also served lemonade, which is a carbonated drink, similar to sprite.  All drinks are carbonated 
except for fruit juices.  We love our ward and ward family.  We are always learning new words and phrases from them.  Heard a new word on the radio this morning.  They were talking about car accidents on the roads and used the word "dingy" for crash, or small crash.

Sister Mary Jane Tuinukafe (Tongan) gave her returning missionary talk to day.  She served in the SL Temple Square mission.  She said her mission is the crowning jewel
of missions.  She is a beautiful girl with a very strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

When we flew over here 6 months ago we met a Jewish couple on the plane.  He invited us to visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum.  He is a volunteer there.  It has been hard finding time to go because they are closed on Saturday for the Sabbath.  We asked President Maxwell if it would be okay to go on a Sunday.  He told us yes.  It is about 
an hour away from our flat.  There was a fellow named Simon.  He was about 35 years old and he took us on a tour and explained everything.  His grandparents were concentration camp survivors.  It made his comments so interesting talking about their experiences. After the holocaust there were quite a few Jewish people that settled in Melbourne.  The survivors were put in resettlement camps.  They could decide where they wanted to live. One lady was shown a map and given the choice of where she would live.  She pointed to Austalia and said, "I want to live as far away from Europe as I can." The area by the museum is the central location for the Jewish community.  It is called Caulfied.  We are very glad we had the opportunity to visit the museum.  We learned many things.

The heat is finally coming but it isn't near as hot as they told us.

In reading Mosiah 27, Alma the younger and the 4 sons of Mosiah changed their spirit and became great missionaries. The last verse in Mosiah 27 says.
    How blessed are they! For they did publish peace, they did publish good tidings of good, and they did declare unto
    the people that the Lord reigneth."

Our prayers and love are with you always,

The moms, grandmas, sister sisters, Adrienne and Dee Dee

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