Dear Family,
We had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. We worked 1/2 day on Thursday. Then we took Christmas presents to elders and sisters in different zones. These gifts arrived late and we wanted the missionaries to have them. We know that Christmas gifts will be arriving all through January.
Christmas Eve we had seven elders come for dinner, pizza, American salad, garlic bread and ice cream cones for dessert. We keep things simple. We had two Tongans, one from New Zealand and 3 Americans. We had so much fun with them. We played Christmas charades, again because some of these elders had never played. They had some trouble so I would give them hints. We always thought everyone knew how to play charades. They told us it felt like home for them. One companionship brought us flowers on Christmas day to say thank you. They had written a very cute note. What a sweet gesture on their part. We were very touched by this.
Christmas morning, 7:00 am, we went to Hyrum and Sarah Mohring's home to celebrate Santa with their children. Joseph, Lucy and Adam are the kids and we love them. It was so fun watching them unwrap presents, laughing and screaming with joy. Little Adam is 1 1/2 years old and finally he has become our friend. Now he will come to us with a smile on his face. Sarah had made a wonder berry bread pudding and croissants with ham and cheese. They were both warm and tasted delicious. Croissants with ham and cheese is sooooo big over here. They are on all menus.
In the afternoon, we went to Ron and Louise Vinck's home for lunch. Before eating, they gave a gift box with goodies and each of us an Australian Christmas card. Inside the card was $35.00 in new American money. They wanted to make sure we had money to buy a coke when we got off the plane in America. It was such a thoughtful gift. We were emotional, no surprise. They have loved us and treated us so well.
Got a text in the afternoon from President and Sister Maxwell asking to come over at 7 and watch a movie. We laughed and texted back YES.
We love that they love watching movies with us. They are very dear friends to us and will be good friends when we all are back in the states. They get released in July.
Saturday it rained long and hard. We decided to clean our cupboards, wash kitchen rugs, all our linens, duvet covers etc. We want everything to be clean and ready for the two new sisters coming to replace us. We then started packing suitcases deciding what to leave and what to take home. YES, we are getting excited.
Sunday evening we had our Indian family, minus dad because he was setting up tables for his parents 40th anniversary, come to our home for Smores, yes smores. They had given us a basket of fun gifts and a box of microwave smores. They didn't know what they were. Aarti, (Mom), Caelan, 6, and Neha,3 came. Aarti is diabetic so she didn't eat them but let the kids eat them. We were laughing because they rarely eat sweets. Neha took about 2 bites and ate the watermelon instead. Caelan kept eating them and by the time he left he looked a bit ill. It was a new experience for them and one they won't have again. We have become such good good friends. Thank goodness for Facebook. We will really miss them.
We are at work now for 3 1/2 days and then New Years Eve and New Years Day we have off.
Thought for the day;
He who was burdened with sorrow and acquainted with grief speaks to every troubled heart and bestows the gift of peace. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
President Thomas S. Monson and John:14: 27
Love to you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR

The moms, The grandmas, The sister sisters
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