Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dear Family,

It was transfer week, so on Monday night before all the chaos, we went to dinner with President and Sister Maxwell, the APs and  the couple missionaries in the office. We went to our favorite eating place, De Gani.  We always do something on Monday night if one of the APs is departing for home.  Elder Seiuli was leaving.  He is a Samoan from New Zealand.  He is very spiritual and kind.  Also, he had a great sense of humor and kept us laughing.  OUR MISSIONARIES ARE SO GREAT!!!!! 

Tuesday was a wild and crazy transfer day.  The meeting starts at 10:30 and as usual there were lots of companionship changes.  Adrienne and I went out got the subway sandwiches for the new trainers meeting..  The departing missionaries go to a 3 hour seminar on self-reliance, getting jobs and going to school when they get back home.  This seminar is part of the church's new program to help the missionaries get focused on moving forward when they get home.  All missionaries whose second language is English have to take a test before they go home.  It is done on the internet. All new missionary companions come into the office for supplies, to talk, to laugh and enjoy each other.  A long but good day.

Wednesday we were off to the airport with 15 departing missionaries and picking up 7 new missionaries.  We have explained several times how hard it is to say good-bye.  We know that we may not see some of them ever again.  It makes us even more grateful for Facebook and Instagram.

Thursday night we took our friends, Donna Young and Louise McDonald to dinner.  Our farewell to them. They are workers in the temple on Wednesday evening.  Dear sisters and good friends.  We are getting closer to the end of our mission and we have several more good-byes to some special people who welcomed us into their lives.

Friday we went to visit teach Sister Mavis Webb.  She is an older woman who loves company.  She has had a very interesting life and we loved hearing her story.

Saturday was a big day.  Our friends Theoni and Rob Snow drove us down the Great Ocean Road to the bottom of Australia.  The ocean is beautiful and so big.  We went to see the 12 Apostles.  They are rock formations that have been standing for years. They were formed by erosion from the harsh and extreme weather conditions of the Southern Ocean.  The soft limestone was eroded to make caves and cliffs, which then became arches, which in turn collapsed and left rock stacks.  Because of the erosion there are about nine stacks remaining.  They call them the Twelve Apostles for tourism purposes.   (PICS on BLOG)

We went to Loch Ard Gorge.  There was a large ship that crashed in the ocean.  The passengers were searching for gold.  But there were many lives lost on the treacherous "Shipwreck Coast."  This one was in 1878. The pictures we posted show a beautiful tranquil spot.  The ride on the Great Ocean Road is spectacular.  Gorgeous views the whole time.

We stopped at the Otway Fly, a park with zip lines and the Treetop Walk.  Adrienne and I took the walk into the rain forest.  Adrienne climbed the tower which looked over the tree tops.  I didn't because I hate heights.  We had a delightful lunch in their cafe and just enjoyed the sun and the view.  It was a twelve hour day seeing another new place in Victoria, Australia.  Every place we have been is unique and has so much beauty.

Thought for the day:
" Don't be gloomy.  Do not dwell on unkind things.  Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face.  'Accentuate the positive.' Look a little deeper for the good.  Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart.  Love life.             
                                                                                                President Gordon B. Hinckley

Love to all of you,
The Moms, The Grandmas, The Sister Sisters

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