Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dear Family,

Last Monday the office had a birthday party lunch for President Maxwell.  Before we ate the President, the senior missionary men from the office and the AP's played a game of HORSE (basketball).  We had hot dogs, snags, sausage on wonder bread, and mini hamburgers.  Dessert was root beer floats.  We bought root beer at the USA store and bought the ginger beer at the Australian store.  Ginger beer is really popular.  We don't really like it.  The Islanders and Australians had never tasted a root beer float.  They have a similar drink they call Spider.  President likes all of the above.

 There have only been a handful of nights that I have not asked the Lord to help us find someone who we could refer to the elders or sisters.  I also have asked to find someone I could give a Book of Mormon to.  Today we went to pick up our cleaning.  They know me because I use a credit card to pay for everything over here.  Most places don't want credit cards.  This cleaners let me use mine, know who I am and are so nice to us.  They are a Chinese couple.  Today while I was there the wife said, "My husband wants to talk with you.  Are you a Christian?  I said yes I was.  Do you go to a church?  I said yes and it is close by the shopping center.  She told me they weren't happy with their church.  I was near tears by this time.  She asked if I had a card to give them.  Adrienne was waiting outside in the car. I had cards in my purse.  I told her I would be back on Monday with more cleaning and we can talk then. I was ready to jump with joy.  I have plans to take a pass along card, Book of Mormon and the video Finding Faith in God.  I will ask if they want to go to church with us.  We have so many Chinese in our ward.  The Lord does hear our prayers and answers them, in His time and in His way.  I got in the car and told Adrienne while struggling not to sob.  I will thank the Lord for blessing me and Adrienne and giving us an opportunity to really be a missionary.  Thank you dear ones for keeping us in your prayers.  WE ARE GOING TO GO VISIT THEM TODAY!!!!!!

Sister Maxwell planned a surprise birthday party with most of the missionaries on Friday night.  There were about 180 that came.  I think he was surprised as he walked into the chapel.  We all stood up and sang Happy Birthday President Maxwell.  Sister Maxwell did a video about him and their family.  Our dear Sister Horne, office volunteer, "roasted" him. Sister Horne, the Australians and Islanders didn't know what a roast was.  They thought we were having roast beef in the chapel.  Anyway, she did a great job of embarrassing him.  He adores Sister Horne and laughed and laughed with the rest of us.  We have said in several letters that he has a wonderful sense of humor.  Adrienne and I bought a balloon bouquet and decorated the serving table.  It was a very good evening.

Saturday was a visit to the CITY.  We love taking the train and going to town.  It was a sunny, somewhat cool but a joyous day.  On the train we talked with a young Chinese girl from mainland China.  She is in Melbourne for two years on a teacher exchange program.  She is teaching Chinese in elementary, middle school and high school.  We told her why we were here.  She had not heard of the Mormons.  She told us she had no religion in her life because she lived in China.  We gave her a "Finding Faith in Christ" pass along card.  We asked her to check out the site  I think she will get on the internet and check it out.  HOPE she will.

We went to the Broadway show "Anything Goes" in the afternoon.  The music is by Cole Porter.  The young ones will not know him, but our children and the old ones will. It was a great production.  The lead, Carolyn O'Conner has played on the NY stage, the London stage and won several awards.  She is 52 years old and dances like she was 25.  Oh to be in that kind of shape.  The tap numbers were so fun to watch. It is a good possibility we might go again.

Got on the train to our home.  A FANTASTIC DAY!!!  GLAD SATURDAY IS OUR P-DAY.

Our thought for the day;
    "But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long suffering."          ALMA 13: 28

We love you all,

The moms, The grandmas, The sister sisters

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